What if you could...

...eliminate the headaches, chaos, long hours, setbacks and uncertainties most entrepreneurs mistakenly believe are just a part of business ownership?

What if you could...

...tap into the success secrets other business owners took decades to learn, in just a matter of weeks?  

What if you could...

... know – with certainty – what was going to happen next week, month, and year?

Building a successful business can be grueling, demanding, and exhausting and
it can take decades to build.


We knew the challenges – mentally, physically, and (of course) financially – every entrepreneur encounters almost as soon as they decide to leap into business ownership.  Everyone things it’s glamorous but it’s often just the opposite.  It’s grueling, demanding, and exhausting.  You never know what challenges, hiccups, fires (call them what you like) will show up and creative havoc in your efforts to create a healthy, highly profitable company.


But, it doesn’t have to be that way…

You just need access to the insights, tools, and knowledge veteran entrepreneurs have already tapped. You need a full game plan on how to build a business designed to run smoothly, steadily increase profits, attract customers who want to buy from you, and keep those customers longer (all without working a zillion hours or being dependent on any single, key employee). And, that’s what we developed; all wrapped up in a step-by-step, business growth and development game plan.


There is a Specific and PROVEN Formula for Business Growth


It’s quite simple – but it’s the EXACT opposite of what you might think


Nearly five decades of entrepreneurship and business operations were consolidated and distilled to develop a comprehensive business growth system.  It’s built on proven growth strategies, profit generating financial principles, and the fundamental operational tools all business owners need to build a business designed to grow quickly, predictably, consistently, and profitably. Entrepreneurs don’t have time to recreate the wheel or learn through trial-and-error.  Time is money and most entrepreneurs need much more of both!  We packaged this growth system into a step-by-step process and made it available to business owners interested in growing better, faster, and more profitably.  This expedites results and can literally save growth-oriented business owners a decade – or two – of trying to figure it all out on their own.  Or, even better, keep them from throwing in the towel because they just ran out of resources (time, energy, health or money) before they ever got there on their own! Every business that experiences consistent, predictable, and profitable growth intuitively applies this business growth system.  We didn’t invent it but we did identify it, document it into a simple step-by-step process, and outline the tools and resources business owners need to quickly understand it and successfully apply it. 

Not quite ready? Learn more >>



The ‘Build it to Grow’ Business Improvement Program


A 15-Step Education Series that Teaches You How to Build a Business Growth Machine for your Company that Churns Out Consistent, Predictable Revenues and Profits.


Your Build it 2 Grow Business Improvement Program Includes: 


The Bi2G program is offered in 15 learning modules, plus one “Mastery Begins” workshop session.  Each module, released on the first of each month over 15 months, includes video, downloadable tools, skill-building exercises, and the opportunity to apply the content immediately within your business through the ‘Putting it into Practice’ tool, available for each and every session.

You’ll experience business altering insights and proven growth strategies each and every month that will put you so far ahead of the curve that you will wonder how you ever ran your business before.


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"This is a really great program. It provides some powerful insights, tools, and resources for business owners and leaders. I wish I had been exposed to this material when I first started my business. The information shared is truly exceptional."

- Gary Gebhardt,
Executive Safety Consultants


"Thanks so much to you both! I just completed my first exercise in managing my numbers and can now see which way my profits, revenues, and expenses are going! I now see where I need to invest my time and money while I figure out my internal scalability. I am actually starting to feel like a business owner with purpose and control – like I know what I need to do to grow my business – not just throw more spaghetti on the wall! Thanks again!" 
- Tiffany Hoeckelman,
Lone Orange Marketing Design


"One of the biggest takeaway's from this program is a new understanding of the many facets to successfully running a business. I gained the knowledge and expertise I needed to confidentially take on the responsibilities of successfully running a highly growth oriented company."

- Judy Peters,
StreetScape Magazine

"I really wish I had know you guys when I first started by business, many years ago... This information would have saved us a lot of time and money!"
- Anne Anderson,
Corporate Identify Partners


"One of my biggest takeaways from this program was the realization that my current business structure would not support the growth I want for my company. I now have a growth path to follow. I had felt intimidated by the entire process but this really helped put it all into perspective."
- Stephanie Arndt,
Klink Creative


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